20 January 2014

Is Allah a Deceiver?

Robert: In Islam, Allah (=God) is a deceiver. It is said in the Quran 3:54: “And they deceived/tricked and Allah (=God) deceived/tricked, and Allah (is) the best (of) who deceive/trick.”

Abdullah: Deceive/trick is a verb. In every language, verbs can be categorized into two groups based on their faces/dimensions of good and evil. Some verbs have a single face/dimension of either good or bad (e.g., rape, abuse, etc.). On the other hand, some other verbs have two faces/dimensions of good and bad (e.g., kill, trick, etc.). For example, rape cannot be done for a good cause. On the other hand, kill can be done for a good cause, such as, punishing criminals. There are countless movies and books in which protagonists kill or trick antagonists for good causes and get viewers’ and readers’ endorsement. Note that both a protagonist and an antagonist may trick each other. A protagonist (the good guy) tricks an antagonist (the bad guy) for a good cause which is why it gets viewers’ and readers’ approval. On the other hand, an antagonist (the bad guy) tricks a protagonist (the good guy) for a bad cause which is why it gets viewers’ and readers’ disapproval. You checked out the dictionary definition of trick and it sounded bad to you. Therefore, like a child, you concluded that anyone who “tricks” has to be a bad guy. You completely failed to understand that both good guys and bad guys trick. But their causes of tricking are different.

Robert: So you say there is an honest trick and dishonest trick? Wow! That’s like being a Gangster trying to explain his deeds. A gangster tricks because he sees his cause as good.

Abdullah: Gangster is an antagonist. Antagonists trick for evil causes so their tricks can't be justified. The moment an antagonist tricks for good causes, s/he becomes a protagonist. God is a protagonist and Satan is an antagonist. God never tricks for bad causes & Satan never tricks for good causes.

Robert: Why Allah (God) tricks to make any believe in him? Why Allah (=God) tricks unbelievers or others to get what he wants?

Abdullah: God doesn’t trick anyone to believe in him. You got it wrong. God tricks Satan & unbelievers when they try to trick believers. This is fair game.

You asked me why God tricks unbelievers for PERSONAL GAIN. God doesn't trick unbelievers for PERSONAL GAIN. When believers (good guys) are wronged by tricks of unbelievers (bad guys), God tricks unbelievers (bad guys) to save believers (good guys). God doesn’t gain anything by tricking the unbelievers (bad guys). Only believers are benefited from it. For example, I can give you an example of God’s trick in the Quran. Quran says God tricked unbelievers into believing that they killed Jesus but actually they didn't. God didn't gain anything by tricking the unbelievers but poor guy Jesus did.

Robert: When Allah (=God) does not trick for personal gain, but to save his believers. Is not that for personal gain really? And when he tricks the unbelievers to save his believers is not that just really HATE? For when you trick another one, then it’s because of your hate against that person. Hate causes murder etc. So your Islamic God hates those who aren’t his believers.

Abdullah: Believers are good guys. Why wouldn’t God help good guys? Love isn’t always good & hate isn’t always bad. Goodness & badness of Love & hate depend on how you apply them. For example, love for good is good. Love for evil is bad. Hate for good is evil. Hate for evil is good. God love believers because believers are good guys. God hate disbelievers because disbelievers are bad guys.


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    1-He tried to force himself onto her, but she grabbed the knife she kept by her bed and used it to ensure the sick Muslim would never rape again
    2-A Moroccan man raped his daughter and forced her to sleep with other men in the North African Arab country for nearly 10 years
    3-Muslim gets two years suspended for raping blind 64-year-old
    4-Father Haddad was murdered by Muslim Terrorists after trying to negotiate for the ... Many of the victims reported cases of rape, murder
    5-Muslim immigrants raped over 300 Swedish children in seven months
    6-Who's Afraid of a Muslim Man? .... Rape and Violence Against Women Egypt's withdrawal of police from the streets has resulted in an explosion of sexual assa.
    7-another girl was raped — but understand that under the sharia, rape is generally the girl's fault
    8-Muhammad's Love of Pedophilia – Now You Know Why Muslim Men Think It's Good To Rape Little Girls
    9-Does Islam Really Propagate Peace for All?
    10-25-year-old man remanded in prison for allegedly raping woman on farm
    11-Ten-year-old Christian girl raped by 60-year-old Muslim merchant in Faisalabad
    12-Eid, the Muslim children are wished Eid Mubarak in assembly, and all year .... and the those that were gay who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned
    13-Dian Wahyu Utami, who ..... came home with another child, as the result of rape and child prostitution?
    14-Daood Hussain, 28, allegedly forced his victim to meet for sex sessions and to hand over large sums of cash to him.
    15-Mullah is a religious teacher in Islam, These scums protect child molesters and rapists because in Islam
    16-Muslim Man Rapes a 2-Year-old Christian Baby Girl in Islamabad, Pakistan
    17- Gay Rape-Jihad : Muslim Man Charged With Raping 18yo Male In Wales
    18-Swedism in Germany: Muslim Taxi Driver Convicted of Raping Old Blind

    1. You gave a big list which is very tiny if compared with crime committed by secularist Christian countries. For example:

      Saudi Arabia's crime rate index is 31.74 in 2013. On the other hand, the USA's crime rate index is 53.44 in 2013. welcome to the real world, son.

