22 September 2013

Jesus Was Sinless but Mohamed Was Not

Christian: The Koran 19:19 says Jesus was sinless but Mohamed was not! Jesus has higher status than Mohamed in the Koran! This proves Jesus is greater than Mohamed!

Muslim: The Quran 19:19 says: “He (Angle Gabriel) said (to Mary): ‘I am only a messenger (from) your Lord, the giver of an innocent child to you’.” The word “زَكِيًّا” means “innocent. And the word غُلَامًا means child The Quran 19:19 talks about the baby Jesus. We know that babies are innocent. It is very common to use the word “innocent” when mentioning of children. For example, the United Nations declared 4th June as International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression.

I know that 1 Peter 2:22 says Jesus committed no sin in his entire life. Does being sinless make someone God? The answer is No”. If being sinless is the criteria of being God, then Christians should worship babies because they are sinless. What makes someone God then? Being the creator of sin makes someone God. God created both good and bad deed to test us. 

Moreover, for the sake of argument, if I accept Bible's claim that Jesus was sinless in his entire life, we can't conclude that Jesus is a better man than Mohamed unless we know both good deed and bad deed data of Mohamed and Jesus. To understand this, consider the following example. Below are the good deed and bad deed data of John and Paul. Who is better person - John or Paul?

John’s points = 12 – 2 = 10
Paul’s Points = 8 – 0 = 8
Therefore, John is the better person.

Is there any way to know to know who is better person- Mohamed or Jesus? Yes, there is. God says –“[O Muhammad], We have sent you [for no other reason] but as a mercy for all creatures” (The Qur’an 21:107). Note that “all creatures” include Jesus and all of us. Mohamed is the mercy of God upon Jesus and all of us. Thus, it is clear that Mohamed has higher status than Jesus and all of us in the sight of God.

Where in the Quran does it say that a woman must cover her HEAD?

There is a proverb that says “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” I have seen a lot of women who claim to be Muslimahs but never cover their heads. When you ask them why they don’t cover their heads, their answer is “Quran doesn’t say to cover head”. The purpose of this post is to educate those little knowledgeable women who claim to be Muslimahs but don’t cover their heads.

I know a Pakistani woman by the name of Mena Khan. When I advised her to cover her head as a requirement of her Islamic faith, she got mad at me and challenged me to find her a verse from the Quran that tells women to cover their heads. I accepted her challenge and read this verse to her-“And tell the believing women to….extend their headscarves to cover their breasts” (The Quran 24:31). After hearing this verse, she told me that the verse says to cover breasts ONLY. The verse doesn't say to cover heads.

I asked Mona Khan this – “God tells you to cover your breasts with the extended part of your headscarf. How do you cover your breasts if you don’t wear a headscarf?” Mona Khan replied that I was twisting God’s word to justify my point and then she walked away. Our job is to invite people, not to guide people. God says – “(O Muhammad), your duty is not to guide them. God guides whomever He wants” (The Quran 2:272).

I want to ask you the same question I asked Mona Khan – “God tells you to cover your breasts with the extended part of your headscarf. How do you cover your breasts if you don’t wear a headscarf?” You must wear a headscarf that is large enough to cover both your head and breasts.

In the picture above, the woman on the left is wearing a headscarf that is large enough to cover both her head and breasts. But the woman on the right is wearing a headscarf that is not large enough to cover her head and breasts.

Disclaimer:  The character Mona Khan in this post is fictitious.

Why God Casts Terror into the Hearts of the Unbelievers?

Atheist: God says that he will cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers and send them to hell because they associate partners with him without authority (The Quran 3:151).

Muslim: So?

Atheist: God is so mean.

Muslim: If you do something that you are not authorized to do, you will be punished. But if you do something that you are authorized to do, you will not be punished. This sounds rational, not cruel.

Atheist: Who gave God authority to decide what I am authorized to do and what I am not?

Muslim: If you are the owner of something, you have authority over that thing. Again, this sounds very rational to me. God is the owner of this universe and everything in it including human beings. God says in the Quran – “O company of jinn and mankind, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You will not pass except by authority from God.” (The Quran 55:33)

Who suffers loss if Muhammad was wrong?

Andrew: In chapter 34:50, Muhammad is commanded to say: Say: ‘If I go astray, I go astray only to my own loss; if I am guided, it is by what my Lord reveals to me. He is All-hearing, Ever-nigh.’ (Arberry’s Translation)

An enormous number of people (all Muslims) will suffer both earthly and eternal loss if Muhammad was wrong. But the verse say only Mohammad suffers loss if Mohammad was wrong. It is a plain error in the Qur'an.

Ali: Unbelievers claimed God didn’t reveal the Quran on Prophet (sw), instead Prophet (sw) made the Quran up and deceived people:

“And when our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, they say, "This is not but a man who wishes to avert you from that which your fathers were worshipping." And they say, "This is not except a lie invented." And those who disbelieve say of the truth when it has come to them, "This is not but obvious magic.” (34:43)

This is why God tells his Prophet in chapter 34:50 to tell the unbelievers that if he deceives others, then he would just deceive himself.

Below is the word for word translation of chapter 34:50-

(34:50) قَرِيبٌ  سَمِيعٌ إِنَّهُ رَبِّي إِلَيَّ يُوحِي فَبِمَ اهْتَدَيْتُ وَإِنِ نَفْسِي عَلَى أَضِلُّ فَإِنَّمَا ضَلَلْتُ إِن قُلْ 
قُلْ = say (o Muhammad)
إِن = if
ضَلَلْتُ = I deceive (others by inventing the Quran)
فَإِنَّمَا = then simply
أَضِلُّ = (I) deceive
عَلَى = to/at/in/on
نَفْسِي = myself
وَإِنِ = and if
اهْتَدَيْتُ = I am guided
فَبِمَا = then it (The Quran)
يُوحِي = reveals
إِلَيَّ = to me
رَبِّي = my God
إِنَّهُ = Indeed, he (my God)
سَمِيعٌ = (is) hearing
قَرِيبٌ = (and) close

Therefore, accurate translation of chapter 34:50 based on proper context:

Say, O Mohammad: if I deceive others by inventing the Quran, then I simply deceive myself. And if I am guided, then the Quran is revealed to me by my God. Indeed, my God is hearing and close.

Here is what the critics of Islam take issue with. They say فَإِنَّمَا mean “then only” since some well-known Muslim translators translated فَإِنَّمَا as “then only”. The phrase فَإِنَّمَا can either mean “the simply” or “then just” or “then only”. Let’s see what difference it makes if we translate فَإِنَّمَا in English in three different ways in chapter 34:50:

·  When we say “if I deceive others by inventing the Quran, then I simply deceive myself”, it means if Prophet (sw) deceives others, then he will deceive himself too.
·  When we say ““if I deceive others by inventing the Quran, then I just deceive myself”, it means if Prophet (sw) deceives others, then he will deceive himself too.
·  When we say “if I deceive others by inventing the Quran, then I only deceive myself”, it means if Prophet (sw) deceives others, then he will deceive himself only.

Note that if we say فَإِنَّمَا means “then only”, then first part of the sentence contradicts the second part of the sentence: “if I deceive others by inventing the Quran, then I only deceive myself”. “I deceive others” and “I ONLY deceive myself” cannot co-exist. Therefore it would be a wrong translation of the sentence if we translate فَإِنَّمَا as “then only”. It is accurate to translate فَإِنَّمَا as either “then simply” or “then just”.

By the way, how come Prophet (sw) deceives himself if he deceives others? The Quran says the deceivers will get double punishment of the deceived people. Therefore, if Prophet (sw) deceives others after knowing the punishment of deceiving others, then it is same as deceiving himself (putting himself in danger).

The Quran says- [God] will say, "Enter among nations which had passed on before you of jinn and mankind into the Fire." Every time a nation enters, it will curse its sister until, when they have all overtaken one another therein, the last of them will say about the first of them "Our Lord, these had misled us, so give them a double punishment of the Fire. He [God] will say, "For each is double, but you do not know." (7:38)

Andrew: Is it fair to punish both deceivers and deceived people? What is the crime of deceived people? Aren't deceived people victims? Shouldn't only deceivers be punished because they are criminals? 

Ali: An English saying goes like this-"You fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me." It is okay if the priest deceives you once in the church to believe in a lie. But it is not okay if the priest deceives you to believe in lies day after day in the church till your death. God gave you intelligence to distinguish between true and false. In addition, not everybody is deceived. Some people get deceived because they don't use their intelligence. People who use their intelligence don't get deceived. Thus, it is clear that deceived people deserve the punishment.

17 September 2013

Does God Forgive Sins of Ex-Apostates?

Christian: The Quran 3:86-91 say God doesn’t forgive sins of apostates if they re-convert to Islam. If Islamic God is merciful, then why he doesn't accept the repentance of apostates? (Note that an apostate is someone who rejects Islam after accepting it.)

Muslim: Lets see if the Quran 3:86-91 say that God doesn't forgive the sins of apostates if they re-convert to Islam –  

The Quran 3:86 – “How shall God guide people who disbelieved after their belief and had witnessed that the Messenger is true and clear signs had come to them? And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.”

Interpretation: There are people who accept Islam after witnessing clear proof that Islam is the truth and then they leave Islam for earthly gains. God says these are wrongdoing people and God doesn’t guide them. 

The Quran 3:87 – “Those - their recompense will be that upon them is the curse of Allah and the angels and the people, all together.”

Interpretation: Those will have God’s curse on them. (Note that God refers to the people mentioned in 3:86 by “those”.)

The Quran 3:88 – “They will abide eternally therein. The punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved.”

Interpretation: They will stay in hell forever. (Note that God refers to the people mentioned in 3:86 by “they”.)

The Quran 3:89 – “Except for those who repent after that (after rejecting Islam) and correct themselves. For indeed, God is Forgiving and Merciful.”

Interpretation: By “those”, God refers to the people among “people mentioned in 3:86” who re-convert to Islam. God will forgive them and spare them from hell. This verse clearly says God will forgive apostates if they re-convert to Islam.

The Quran 3:90 – “Indeed, those who reject the message after their belief and then increase in disbelief - never will their [claimed] repentance be accepted, and they are the ones astray” (3:90).

Interpretation: By “those”, God refers to people “among people mentioned in 3:86” who don’t re-convert to Islam. The Quran 3:90 says people “among people mentioned in 3:86” who don’t re-convert to Islam will not have their repentance accepted that they made when they converted to Islam.

In Islam, if someone converts to Islam and sincerely repent for his/her past sins, his/her past sins will be forgiven. For example -

·         If 20 years old Peter converts to Islam and sincerely repent for his past sins, then his sins from the age of 1 to 20 will be forgiven.
·         But if Peter leaves Islam at the age of 21, his sins from the age of 1 to 20 will not be forgiven. ***
·         But if Peter re-convert to Islam at the age of 22, his sins from the age of 1 to 22 will be forgiven, and so on.

Now let’s look at the Quran 3:90 again: “Indeed, those who reject the message after their belief and then increase in disbelief - never will their [claimed] repentance be accepted, and they are the ones astray”.
·         Indeed, those who reject the message after their belief >>> apostates
·         and then increase in disbelief >>> and if apostates remain disbelievers/don’t re-convert to Islam
·         never will their [claimed] repentance be accepted >>> the repentance for the past sins apostates made will not be accepted.***
·         and they are the ones astray >>> and they are the example of people who are misguided.

15 September 2013

72 Virgins in Islam

Atheist: Moslem men will get 72 virgins each in paradise. What will Moslem women get in paradise?

Muslim: First, The Quran and sahih hadith (Bukhari and Muslim) don’t say that Muslim men will get 72 virgin girls in paradise. The Quran says God will marry Muslim men with beautiful women in paradise. Sex outside of marriage is not allowed in Islam. This is why God mentions of marriage. The Quran says- “And We will marry them to fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes” (44:54).

Second, you asked what Muslim women get in paradise. Both Muslim men and women will get whatever they want in paradise. The Quran says–“…they will get everything they desire, and wherein they will dwell forever.   This is a promise which your Lord has taken upon Himself to fulfill” (25:16).

Atheist: You're a hypocrite. The Arabic pronoun for the English pronoun “they” used in verse 25:16 is “masculine”, not “feminine”. Therefore, the verse 25:16 means only men will have everything they want in paradise, not women.

Muslim: I heard that allegation before. The critics of Islam say the Quran's audience is essentially male because most of the time God uses masculine pronoun when he says “they”.

There are two forms of “they” in Arabic based on gender – (i) masculine (ii) feminine. There is no gender-neutral form of “they” in Arabic. This is why when you want to address both men and women using the word “they” in Arabic, you have to choose either “masculine form of they” or “feminine form of they”. In the Quran, God uses “masculine form of they” when addressing both men and women. For this reason, there is more uses “masculine form of they” in the Quran than “feminine form of they”. The critics of Islam are wrong when they say the Quran's audience is essentially male. The truth is the Quran’s audience is both male and female.

Atheist: Are you saying that the pronoun “they” used in the verse 25:16 means both men and women although the Arabic pronoun for the English pronoun “they” used in verse 25:16 is “masculine”? If so, then how do you know God addresses both men and women by using the “masculine form of they in verse 25:16”? God may address only men by using the “masculine form of they” in verse 25:16, may not he?

Muslim: That’s a very good question, my friend. You asked me how I know that God addresses both men and women by using the “masculine form of they” in verse 25:16 when the God uses “masculine form of they” to address only men in other places of the Quran.

Whenever you take a verse out of a chapter, you fail to understand the meaning of that excerpt in the light of that entire chapter. To understand the verse 25:16 in the light of the entire chapter, let’s read the next verse which is 25:17.

The verse 25:17 says God will gather misguided people on the judgement day who worshiped false gods. Again, God uses the “masculine form of they” to address misguided people in the verse 25:17. Does this mean only men go astray and go to hell? No, we know that both men and women go astray.

Therefore, it is very clear that in verse 25:16, God talks about righteous people (both men and women) who will enter paradise. And in verse 25:17, God talks about misguided people (both men and women) who will enter hell.

If you still doubt that God treats men differently from women when awarding them for their righteousness, then I would love to quote the Quran 4:124 to you. God says in the Quran that he is gender blind when rewarding the righteous people - "And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, while being a believer - those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged, [even as much as] the speck on a date seed" (4:124).

11 September 2013

The Devil Sleeps in Your Nose and Urinates in Your Ear

Christian: Prophet Mohamed states that Muslims should clean their ears and nose because Satan sleeps in the noses of people at night (Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 516) and urinates in the ears of people who sleep after sunrise (Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 492).

Muslim: So?

Christian: This’s unrealistic…..nonsense.

Muslim: What’s unrealistic and nonsense? Satan or Satan’s pee?

Christian: I believe Satan is real. But Satan’s pee? Come on!

Muslim: All religions believe Satan or Devil is real. You can’t see Satan, can you? How do you expect to see Satan’s pee, then? Prophet Muhammad (sw) says – “Satan reaches everywhere in the human body as blood reaches it (everywhere in one’s body).” (Bukhari 2035).

Christian: Okay, but how would you convince an atheist to believe that Satan sleeps in the noses of people at night and urinates in the ears of people who sleep after sunrise?

Muslim: Good question. Atheists don’t believe Satan exists, let alone Satan’s piss. I would suggest Atheists to read the my blog named "Prove to Me that God Exists". Once they believe God exists, they would also believe that genies exist. Satan is a genie.

Also, I would recommend them to watch the video below in which a genie speaks through a woman.

9 September 2013

Why Can't A Muslim Woman Have Four Husbands?

Non-Muslim: Why Muslim men are allowed to have up to 4 wives but Muslim women are not allowed to have up to 4 husbands?

Muslim: Modern science tells us that if a woman has sex with multiple men, then both the woman and the men have chance to get AIDS and other sexual transmitted diseases. But, if a man has sex with multiple women, then neither the man nor the women have a chance to get AIDS and other sexual transmitted diseases. This is why Muslim men are allowed to have up to 4 spouses at a time but Muslim women are not.

Why Muslim Men are Allowed to Marry Up to 4 Women?

Ahmed Deedat Answers Why Muslim Men are Allowed to Marry Up to 4 Women:

Zakir Naik Answers Why Muslim Men are Allowed to Marry Up to 4 Women:

7 September 2013

Does God Misguide People?

Atheist: God makes atheists disbelieve in him. Therefore, it would be unfair if God send atheists to hell for disbelieving in him.

Muslim: What's the proof of what you say?

Atheist: God says in Quran: "Indeed, those who disbelieve - it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them - they will not believe. God hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil. And for them is a great punishment" (2:6-7).

Muslim: Does it prove that God makes atheists disbelieve in him?

Atheist: Yes, it does. God closed the hearts of atheists which is why they disbelieve in him.

Muslim: Your logic is that God sealed their hearts so they disbelieved, right? But which one happened first? God sealed their hearts first or they disbelieved in God first?

If God sealed their hearts first and then they disbelieved because of their sealed hearts, then it's God's fault. But if they disbelieved in God first and then God sealed their hearts as a consequence, then it is their fault. Did you read the entire chapter?

Atheist: Yes, I read the entire chapter.

Muslim: I am sorry my friend but I think you're not telling the truth. If you did read the entire chapter, you wouldn't say that God makes atheists disbelieve in him. When you take a verse out of an entire chapter, you fail to understand the meaning of that verse in the light of that entire chapter and end up having wrong understanding of that verse.

The Quran 2:26 says: "He (God) causes many to stray, and many He leads into the right path; but He causes not to stray, except those who forsake (the path)." The Quran 2:264 says: "…God does not guide the disbelieving people" indicating believing in God is a must to get his guidance. The Quran 2:6-7 says God closed the hearts of atheists as a consequence of not believing in God.

Same message has been repeated in the Quran 5:67–"…God does not guide the disbelieving people".

Similar message has been repeated in the Quran 16:104 – "Indeed, those who do not believe in the verses of God - God will not guide them, and for them is a painful punishment."

In conclusion, atheists disbelieved in God first and then God sealed their hearts as a consequence. Therefore, it is not valid to say that God sealed the hearts of atheists first and then they disbelieved because of their sealed hearts.

5 September 2013

Muhammad's Marriage to His Adopted Son's Wife

Infidel: Prophet married the wife of his adopted son! Sick!

Muslim: No, Prophet Mohamed did not marry his adopted son's "wife". He married his adopted son's "ex-wife". Someone's ex-wife is NOT his wife. For example, if you mother divorces your father and marries me, can your father claim that I am having sexual intercourse with his "wife"? No, he cannot because the moment your mother divorces your father, she is no longer your father's "wife" but a single woman.

Infidel: Okay, but Muslims are allowed to marry their adopted sons and daughters, right? this means Muslims are a bunch of pedophiles!

Muslim: pedophile is an adult who is sexually attracted to children. A Muslim is allowed to marry their adult adopted sons or daughters. Muslims do not marry children, therefore, they are not pedophiles.

Moreover, you need to understand that adoptive parents are not the really parents of adoptive children. There is a difference between your biological children and your adopted children. And because of that biological difference, God disallows you to marry biological children and allows you to marry your adopted children

Your adopted son is not actually your son. Instead, he is the son of another man but lives in your house and call you "father". When your adopted son calls you "father", it doesn't make you your adopted son's "father". Your adopted son calls you "father" to show you equal respect to his real father but not because he believes you are his real "father". If we really physically become what we are called, then you would become a "donkey" if someone calls you "donkey" because your less-than-average intelligence. There are numerous cases when we people call things that we don't really mean. We call people those things to express our honor or affection for them. For example, 
  • An elderly person can call a young person of his son's age "son" to express that he loves that young man just like he loves his son. (e.g., What's your name, son?)
  • A person can call his priest "father" to express that he honers his priest just like he honors his father. (e.g, Bless me, father.)
  • A younger person can call an order person "uncle" to express that she honers that man just like she honors her uncle. (e.g., May I help you to carry your bag, uncle?)
God says to Prophet (sw) in the Quran 33:4 – “…He never made your adopted sons [truly] your sons: these are [figures of] speech uttered by your mouths - whereas God speaks the [absolute] truth: and it is He alone who can show [you] the right path.” God also says in the Quran 33:4 – "God did not make your adopted son as your own sons. To declare them so is your empty claim. God's word is righteous and constitutes true guidance.”

The Quran 33:5 tells Muslims to let their adopted sons and daughters to use their real (biological) parents’ names to identify themselves instead of using adoptive parents’ names to identify themselves because adoptive parents are not really their parents but guardians or caretakers of them. The Quran 58:2 tells Muslims not to call anyone their fathers or mothers except their biological fathers or mothers who gave birth of them.

Therefore, it is clear that neither the adoptive parents cannot call their adopted children "son" or "daughter" nor the adopted children can call their adoptive parents "father" or "mother' because they are not really each other's parents or children.


"Call them by [the names of] their fathers; it is more just in the sight of Allah . But if you do not know their fathers - then they are [still] your brothers in religion and those entrusted to you..." (The Quran 33:5).

"Those who pronounce thihar among you [to separate] from their wives - they are not [consequently] their mothers. Their mothers are none but those who gave birth to them. And indeed, they are saying an objectionable statement and a falsehood. But indeed, Allah is Pardoning and Forgiving" (The Quran 58:2).

Niqab Is Fard (Face Veil Is Obligatory)

Question: Where does Quran say to cover face?

Answer: Hypocrite mullah Abu Harun says-"I have done a big research but nowhere in the Quran, it says to pray five times a day." Hypocrites ask these types of questions to confuse Muslims. The Quran is the textbook and Prophet (sw) is the teacher. The Quran says to pray, Prophet teaches us when and how to pray. The Quran says to cover, Prophet (sw) teaches us when and how to cover. The Quran is brief so God sends Prophet (sw) to explain it to us by examples. Prophet (sw) is the best example to follow for believing men and Prophet's wives are the best example to follow for believing women.

Sahih hadith of Bukhari clearly state that Prophet's wives and believing women covered their entire bodies including faces (when outdoors) under the rule of Prophet (sw), yet some hypocrites among us deny the truth. let them be humiliated in this life and hereafter.


Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 8, Hadith Number 368, Narrated by 'Aisha (RA): Allah's Apostle used to offer the Fajr prayer and some believing women covered with their veiling sheets used to attend the Fajr prayer with him and then they would return to their homes unrecognized.

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 462: Narrated 'Aisha: "....He (Safwan bin Al-Muattal As-Sulami Adh Dhakwani) recognized me on seeing me as he had seen me before the order of compulsory veiling (was prescribed). So I woke up when he recited Istirja' (i.e. Inna lillahi wa inna llaihi raji'un) as soon as he recognized me. I veiled my face with my head cover at once...."

Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 8, Number 347 Narrated Um 'Atiya (RA): .... A woman asked, "O Allah's Apostle ' What about one who does not have a veil?" He said, "Let her share the veil of her companion."

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 76, Number 572: Anas (RA) narrates from Prophet (pbuh) "....and if  one of the women of Paradise looked at the earth, she would fill the whole space between them (the  earth and the heaven) with light, and would fill whatever is in between them, with perfume, and the veil of her face is better than the whole world and whatever is in it."

Morality Without God

Justice is the heart of morality. Justice will not be done without God. In other words, there is no morality without God. Atheists may argue that God doesn't exist. My purpose is not to prove the existence of God. God may not exist in real life but does exist in the story. My purpose is to prove that justice will not be done if there is no God.

What do you think would be the right sentence for Hitler for killing 6 million people in World War 2? Hitler should be put to death, right? But how many times should he be put to death for killing 6 million people? It is not just if we kill Hitler once for killing 6 million people. Hitler should be put to death 6 million times for killing 6 million people. But we human beings cannot bring a murderer back to life after killing him, so we can put him to death again. Only God can do this. That's why Quran says that God is the most just among all judges-"Is not The God the most just of judges?" [The Glorious Quran 95:8]

You may not believe that God exists but you have to admit that it is not just to kill Hitler once for killing 6 million people. God will kill Hitler 6 million times in hell for killing 6 million people. He will change Hitler's skin 6 million times in hell. Quran says- "Surely, those who disbelieve in our revelations, we will condemn them to the hellfire. Whenever their skins are burnt, we will give them new skins. Thus, they will suffer continuously. The God is Almighty, Most Wise. " [The Glorious Quran 4:56]

A couple of days ago I saw in the newspaper that a 40 years old man got 140 years in prison for murder and rape. We know that he would not live that long to serve that sentence. Therefore, justice can't be done. If you don't believe that man will be judged by God after his death, there is no justice. And if there is no justice, we will lose hope to live our lives completely.

Some children born with diseases and birth defects because of the bad habits of their parents, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, prostitution, and so on. It is not just for those children if there is no afterlife. It is not just for some children to be born ill when some other children born healthy. God will give the disabled children another life hereafter with no disability and punish their parents for their mischief. Only God can make justice done. Justice will not be done without God.

Some atheist may argue that it is possible to attain "JUSTICE" but not "ABSOLUTE/PERFECT JUSTICE". Do you think that you make "JUSTICE" done when you sentence a criminal 5 years in jail but he dies in his 1st year in prison? No, you don't. You can't even achieve "JUSTICE", let alone "ABSOLUTE/PERFECT JUSTICE".

Some atheists may say that it's silly to have justice through wishful thinking because God doesn't exist to punish criminals hereafter. Why not go with wishful thinking if it brings something positive for you? What's happen when a person, especially a victim thinks justice can't be done or there is no justice? They take the law into their own hands which brings chaos to society. Or they commits suicide, right? People commit suicide when they believe there is no justice in this world. Atheists have highest suicide rate because the belief of "no justice" make them frustrated.

If you believe you cannot pay the wrongdoers back, you will lose hope to live your life completely. You would think there is no justice. If wishful thinking can make you believe that justice can be done, then why not go with the wishful thinking, my friend? If wishful thinking can stop you from committing suicide, then why not go with wishful thinking? My atheist friends say God is a mythical being. What they don't understand is that even a mythical God can make your life better. Even a mythical God can give you the hope to live your life fully...