30 August 2013

Muhammad Ordered His Followers to Drink Camel Pee

Recently I had a heated argument with an infidel on YouTube by the name of "IndianVedicHistorian". Below is an excerpt of that heated argument:

Infidel: Muhammad ordered his followers to drink camel pee! (Sahih Bukhari, Ablutions (Wudu'), Volume 1, Book 4, Number 234). Lol!

Muslim: The story (hadith) says prophet was right and they became healthy and was able to get use to climate change after following prophet's instruction which was to drink milk and urine of camels. It proves prophet was a wise man or a doctor like figure. Below is the story (hadith):

Anas said, "Some people of 'Ukl or 'Uraina tribe came to Medina and its climate did not suit them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (Milch) camels and to drink their milk and urine (AS A MEDICINE). So they went as directed and after they became healthy..." (Sahih Bukhari, Ablutions (Wudu'), Volume 1, Book 4, Number 234).

Infidel: First of all you uneducated baboon, areas in which are in (BRACKETS) are not part of the original text, they are added words hence why they need to have BRACKETS around words you dumb idiot. So there is no word (MEDICINE) after that sentence, that’s a add word by your Islamic scholars who are trying to water down the humiliation of your prophet ordering Muslims to drink camel piss!

Muslim: You said medicine is in bracket & isn't the part of original text. What’s the definition of daddy? Go ask your daddy if you don't know. Your daddy will tell you that daddy is man who had sex with your mother and begot you. Are we clear on that, dear? Now, what's the definition of medicine? Go ask a qualified doctor if you don't know. The doctor will tell you that something that cures a disease or illness is called medicine.

The story (hadith) clearly says the reason why prophet told them to drink camel urine. They were sick and became healthy after drinking camel urine. This proves camel urine worked as a medicine. Therefore, putting (medicine) in bracket doesn't alter the meaning of the story (hadith), instead it clarifies the true meaning. 

In addition, you claimed that prophet ordered Muslims to drink camel urine which is a lie. The story (hadith) does not say they were Muslims. The story (hadith)
 says they were a group of foreigners and came to medina.


  1. No matter how you spinn this is still an commandmen from your prophet wannabee to the people, why then you muslims still legally sale urine now, Saudis shut down camel urine shop: owner was selling his own urine
    Spin that.

    1. First of all, the people Prophet told to drink camel piss were NOT Muslims. Secondly, Prophet prescribed the right medication for them because they did get cured after drinking camel piss. Thirdly, I have heard about an Indian man who drinks his own piss. Does this mean the entire religions of Indian Hindus should take responsibility for that man's action? The answer is no. Hope that helps.

    2. Brother mix camel urine with cow piss it will cure everything mashallah brother our prophet (piss be upon him) was the wisest of man to ever live !
