29 August 2013

Why Doesn't God Stop Criminals from Committing Crime?

Atheist: God is all powerful. He is able to stop criminals from committing crime but he doesn't do so. In other words, God lets criminals commit crime. Therefore, it is not just if God punishes criminals hereafter for committing crime.

Muslim: First, let's see why God doesn't stop criminals from committing crime. This life is a test for all of us including criminals. If you do good deed this life, you will be rewarded next life. If you do evil deed this life, you will be punished next life. Since this life is a test, God doesn't stop us from doing what we want.

Second, let's see if God can be blamed for the crime of criminals since he don't stop them from committing crime. Lemme ask you something. Can you blame me if I don't stop you from murdering someone? I don't think so, my friend. But if I ordered you to murder someone, you could blame me for that. God doesn't order you to commit murder, therefore God can't be blamed. God will punish you for committing murder because he orders you not to commit murder.

Atheist: But criminals harm other people by committing crime. God is not being fair to the victims of crime by not stopping criminals.

Muslim: God is not unfair to victims of crime, my friend. The reason God punishes criminals hereafter is to make victims of crime happy. God will make the criminals pay back to the victims of crimes hereafter.


  1. why god don't save the good people or the Muslims from the crime ?

    1. God promises victory to Muslim Ummah if they bite the Quran & Sunnah with their molar teeth. Do you remember the Battle of Badr? Didn't God give victory to Muslim Ummah? 13 companions of Prophet (sw) were martyred in this battle. You may ask why didn't God save those 13 companions of Prophet (sw) who were martyred? You may ask why God didn't save the lives of many Israelite Prophets murdered by their enemies. The answer is simple. God doesn't promise to save lives of individual Muslims in battles. God only promises to give victory to Muslims as a whole known as "Muslim Ummah". But that doesn't mean God has no compassion for the lives of individual Muslims who die in the way of God. God promises them paradise. As Muslims, we believe our lives & deaths are pre-destined. When a martyr sees paradise at the time of his/her death, the martyr has no regret to for giving up his life. We don't deserve paradise because of our good deeds. We don't deserve eternal life in paradise even if we give up our life in the way of God a million times, let alone just once. It is the absolute mercy of God upon us for giving us paradise for giving up our lives just for once.
